
There are three stages of coaching: Track, Traverse, Transform

Free Consultation – Book a 30-minute free consultation to find out more about the Enneagram and how it might help you before you commit! Payment plans are available if you book any sessions below.

Free ConsultationBook a 30-minute free consultation to find out more about the Enneagram and how it might help you before you commit! Payment plans are available if you book any sessions below.

Stage One: Track – One-hour session $90 (+GST)

Track down your primary Enneagram type by exploring your core longings, fears, & desires. Knowing your type and understanding your inner motivations will help you relate to others and use your Enneagram compass to move towards growth.

Stage Two: Traverse – 5, one-hour sessions $450 (+GST)

The five weekly Traverse sessions (scheduled after completing the Tracking session) will help you to not only develop grace for yourself, but also appreciate the personalities of others in your life and make changes to live with a growth mindset. We traverse together through the various elements of your type including your paths, wings, subtypes, childhood messages, levels of alignment, and relationship & conflict styles in order to go deeper and help you grow into the person you were made to be.

Stage Three: Transform – $110 per session (pay as you go) (+GST)

Want to continue to gain new insight and apply it to specific areas of your life? This is the next step in your coaching to encourage further growth after completing the Traverse sessions. Book as many Transform sessions as you feel you need to continue to explore the depths of the Enneagram and your personality. We will work on the areas in which you want to see growth such as your mindset, parenting, relationships and/or work. 

Begin working with Stacy today by booking your free consultation!



Ready to use the Enneagram in the difficult task of parenting your teen? Experience Parenting Your Teen With the Enneagram. We will work through the Tracking sessions separately (to explore yours and your teen’s main Enneagram types) and then book the Traverse sessions to do together. Please schedule a free consultation to discuss this option and rates.


Minimum recommendation: One, 2 – hour session that will provide overview of the 9 core Enneagram types. This session will be tailored to your group or team with topics including, but not limited to, handling conflict in the workplace, building a more cohesive team, leadership styles, etc. This presentation would be excellent for teams, leaders, co-workers, youth leaders, teachers, etc. who want to apply knowledge of the Enneagram to their relationships in the workplace or in ministry. Further sessions can be booked if needed.


The Enneagram is an excellent tool for couples. It can help you understand each other better, resolve conflicts faster and with grace, and learn to communicate more effectively. Couples sessions are $110+GST.

*Prices vary depending on the goals and size of your team: please book a free consultation or email me at [email protected] to discuss.